Do your employees and line managers that think they are doing the right thing by leaving home at 5am when they go on regional trips? Do they think they are maximising their day by driving during the early morning and late evening. Do they think they will be valued more if they spend 9am to 5pm visiting customers, or performing services? Do they consider driving as a work task?
As a community, we don’t accept that it’s ok to drive with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) over .05 and we would be appalled to think that someone with a BAC of .15 would get behind the wheel. So why do we tolerate driving when tired?
The simple answer is – we don’t know the facts about driving tired.
Employers need to let their employees know it’s ok to drive during normal business hours. If they have a car as part of their job, then driving is a work task. And fleet drivers need to be educated on the impacts of driving tired.
Include this video in your safety program for fleet drivers and their managers to help change attitudes and perceptions that aren’t appropriate in 2019.
This video was created by Fleet Strategy and promoted by the National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP).